Susie Keene

Susie Keene

Hello everyone. I have been writing fantasy stories for children for many years. I put these aside until I had the time available to finalise and publish in the future. In 2023 I decided the time was right to self-publish one of these. 'Bluebell Lodge' is the first story I have self-published and I am currently working on a follow up.

My love of bluebells started at an early age. In the spring my father would drive the family from Coventry to Crackley Wood, just north of Kenilworth, to see the bluebells. I was always fascinated by the sea of bluebells spreading out before me in that ancient woodland. It was my idea of heaven and a place where fairies and fantastic creatures lived. If I could have been granted a wish it would have been that the bluebells would bloom all year. In 'Bluebell Lodge' they do!

Photo of Crackley Wood